Business development

Company Database

Did you know that there are nearly 520,000 companies, 420,000 individual entrepreneurs, 140,000 other organizations and 1,7 million owners and managers in the Hungarian economy?
Cégadatok, cégkereső, céginfó

Company Database basic service

All important information about Hungarian companies from the official company register data of the Company Bulletin, supplemented by documents by the Ministry of Justice.
Online céginformációk, cég lekérdezés

Marketing module

The Marketing module is the ideal tool for those looking for new customers or suppliers, and want to perform sorting runs on the basis of complex sets of criteria.
Ügyfélszolgálat, céginfó, cégadatbázis

Contact data form

With the help of the contact data form you can easily view the contact data information of your potential customers and suppliers.
Cégek listája, cég lekérdezés

Marketing information

Services facilitating the making of important decisions in the field of marketing, that we compile from our regularly updated database to suit individual needs
Cégjegyzék, cégadatok, cégkereső

Marketing list

A fundamental source of the success of advertisement campaigns and direct marketing actions is the selection of the appropriate target group and a quality database.
Céginformációs adatbázis, céginfó

Market Map – self-service marketing database

It is a simple and quick, customizable marketing list. Make your own list of suitable companies registered in Hungary with the use of fifteen available conditions.
Cégkereső online, cégadatbázis

Foreign company information

You can get valuable information for your business decisions about companies registered in different countries of the world
Cégkereső, cégek listája

Individual services

Whether it is a credit rating system or a scoring model, our company has great experience in the development of systems that are suitable for satisfying special demands.
Cégek listája, cégjegyzék, céginfó

Grant application counselling, application writing

Our service includes free grant application counselling, pre-rating, the review of suitability, strategy and the application, as well as the drawdown of funding.
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