Information concerning the conditions of use

Owner of the website
The website (hereinafter referred to as the Website), the contents that can be found on the Website, all the services, databases that are accessible on the Website are deemed to be the legally protected intellectual  properties of OPTEN Informatikai Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Registered seat: H-1138 Budapest, 22. Népfürdő str., Duna Tower, tower ’B’, floor 11.
Court of registration: Company Registry Court of the Tribunal Court of Budapest
Company registration number: 01 09 367756
Tax number: 12012187-2-41
Telephone: +36 (1) 222-31-30
(hereinafter referred to as OPTEN).
Terms and conditions of use – copyrights
The contents that are accessible on the Website form OPTEN's exclusively owned intellectual properties. Consequently, OPTEN reserves all the rights – especially rights existing under the protection of ownership rights, copyrights and other legal protection – that have not been expressly transferred or assigned.
The parts of the Website that are accessible without user identification and the services that can be found there can be demanded under the terms and conditions described herein by applying the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions governing the service in question provided that during the use of the services no specific conditions of use are accepted.
The parts of the Website that are accessible after user identification and the services that can be found there can be demanded under the terms and conditions that you expressly accept (in particular, the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions governing the service in question) in the course of registration and the conclusion of a contract. Should there be any contradiction between the terms and conditions accepted in the course of registration and the conclusion of the contract, and the provisions of this information, the former set of requirements shall prevail.

You are entitled, after identifying yourself as a user, to publish on the dedicated interfaces of the Website data and information of the kind specified therein, to make declarations (for example, to make an ESG Declaration for the company you represent). By posting such data and information and making such declarations, you hereby acknowledge that OPTEN shall be entitled to use such data and information and declarations as part of its services, to make them available to third parties by publishing them on the Website or to otherwise transfer them in accordance with the provisions of the contract governing the relevant service.
Unless it is agreed otherwise, you can use the Website, its contents, the services and databases accessible via the Website, the data and information derived therefrom solely for the purpose of performing your own legal activities to the necessary and justified extent, in the framework of which you can perform the acts required for the legitimate use of the Website, services and databases, as well as their utilization for the designed purposes, but beyond these activities
  1. they may not be disclosed or distributed (including their lease; transfer of ownership, lending against valuable consideration, marketing by way of any other transfer of ownership, as well as assignment in usufruct or giving in rent);
  2. it is forbidden to copy or reproduce the Website, the databases in full or part; furthermore, it is forbidden to copy or reproduce even any insignificant part of the Website or databases repeatedly or regularly in case it is injurious to their normal use, or unduly harms OPTEN's lawful interests;
  3. it is forbidden to perform business activities that are identical or similar to those of OPTEN with the use or exploitation of the Website, any even insignificant part of the databases or the same data and information acquired in the framework of the Services that (including, in particular, the reselling of large volumes of identical or similar data for business purposes, the provision of database services with the use of data derived from the databases, or business-like data supply in excess of the normal purpose of use);
  4. it is forbidden to adapt, process, reverse engineer, modify the program ensuring the accessibility of the services, or subject it to any examination of its structure to an extent going beyond legal use, reproduce the source code;
  5. it is forbidden to use the data in any manner that injures or threatens OPTEN's intellectual properties, rights or lawful interests.
For the legal and legitimate use of the data, information derived from the Website or the services that are accessible on the Website, you as the visitor of the Website are deemed as solely responsible, and in this respect OPTEN bears no liabilities.

You, as the identified user of the Website, are solely responsible for the correctness, accuracy, completeness and lawfulness of the data and information published by you on the interfaces available on the Website, and for the declarations made (e.g. the content of the ESG Declaration), and OPTEN shall not be liable in this respect.
OPTEN reserves the right to modify, terminate the Website, its contents, the services and database that are accessible via the Website, or restrict the accessibility thereof.
OPTEN has the right to restrict or suspend the provision of the services, databases that are accessible via the Website, in case it is experienced that the services, databases are used by way of the infringement, evasion of the conditions of use, in an irregular, illegal manner (e.g. automated downloading of information).
OPTEN disclaims all liabilities for the external links and their underlying contents that are found on the Website.
In case at your own website you wish to incorporate a link to the Website (or any element thereof), or embed the Website, or any specific part or element thereof into another website, it will be subject to OPTEN's prior written consent, and should comply with the conditions to be stipulated in such consent.
OPTEN limits its liabilities in connection with the contents of the Website, as well as the services, databases accessible via the Website in case you have not accepted any deviating conditions in the course of registration or the conclusion of the contract.
In view of the Website, as well as the services, databases provided as fee of charges, OPTEN disclaims all liabilities. With respect to the services, databases that can be used against payment, OPTEN shall be responsible for the services, databases provided in line with the concluded contract.
OPTEN disclaims all liabilities for use and any associated damage that is illegal, not in line with the contract or the designed functions, or prove to be unprofessional. An exception to this latter rule shall be liabilities for data management for which OPTEN shall be liable pursuant to the relevant legal regulations.
Any violation of the provisions relating to use may entail legal consequences under civil law or criminal law, as the case may be.
By visiting the Website, you expressly acknowledge and accept the provisions relating to the limitation of liabilities or disclaimer.
During the performance of its activities, OPTEN particularly strives for abiding by the following legal regulations:
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