Risk management
Hálózatok, céginfók , cégek listája

Company Database

Did you know that there are nearly 520,000 companies, 420,000 individual entrepreneurs, 140,000 other organizations and 1,7 million owners and managers in the Hungarian economy?
Cégadatok, cégkereső, céginfó

Company Database basic service

All important information about Hungarian companies from the official company register data of the Company Bulletin, supplemented by documents by the Ministry of Justice.
Cégadatok, céginformáció lekérdezése

Report function with optional data content

Contains summary data of the business entity under review, with extensions such as risk rating, risk index, commercial credit line and ultimate owner.

OPTEN – Contacts Network module

It offers a transparent, graphic presentation of background information to help understand risks surfacing in relation to the intertwining of Hungarian companies.
Cégkereső weboldal, céglista,  kapcsolatok

Contacts Map

The Contacts Map is an interactive graphical analysis tool which is capable of fully exploring company contact chains and displaying them on one screen.
Céginformációs adatbázis II., céglista

OPTEN – Timeline module

The OPTEN – Timeline module is a specific service where a graphic interface allows the overview of changes in the background of even the most complex companies.

Document Register

The Document Register is a collection of official corporate documents published by the MNB, Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (PSZÁF) and Company Registry Court.
Céginformáció, cégek listája

Transfer price module

The application of transfer prices has an impact on companies’ earnings and tax payments. This provides assistance for associated undertakings and transfer price experts.
Céginformációs szolgálat, cégadatok

IM OCCR distribution

The OCCR created by the Ministry of Justice makes all the public corporate data of all the companies registered or being under registration in Hungary accessible.
Cégkereső online, cégadatbázis

Foreign company information

You can get valuable information for your business decisions about companies registered in different countries of the world.
Cégjegyzék, cégadatbázis

Company Control Services

You can easily check if there are any claims or insolvency proceedings against a business organization in the system.
Cégkereső II., cégjegyzék kereső

APAFI - Automatic Partner Monitoring System

There are many signs that an organization’s or an individual entrepreneur’s operation is going in the wrong direction. If we notice in time, we can respond and prepare.
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