Contacts Map

The Contacts Map is an interactive graphical analysis tool which is capable of fully exploring company contact chains and displaying them on one screen.

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The Contacts Map is a next-generation network analysis tool, the greatest novelty of which is that the displayable network does not stop at the first, second, or third level contacts, but additional contacts of any element of the network can also be displayed in addition to the previous ones. The tool can display complex contact systems of up to 8-10 depths on a single screen.

Click here to view a sample Contacts Map: Contacts Map sample

In addition to having several useful practical features, the service is extremely easy to use. The colour scheme and business logic of the service is the same as that of the already routine Contacts Network, accordingly, a convenient passage is ensured not only between these two but also the other services provided by the Opten Company Database.

Another novelty of the Contact Map is that it is capable of graphically representing the Ultimate Owner Contacts, too.

The range of contacts which can be displayed is thus further expanded:
  • The contacts of owners
  • The contacts of the representatives authorised for corporate signature
  • The contacts of legal predecessors/legal successors
  • Address contacts (in function of eligibility)
  • The contacts of private limited company owners (in function of eligibility)
  • The contacts of ultimate owners (in function of eligibility)

By means of the solution exploring contact relationships, the companies are capable of revealing previously hidden or difficult-to-access information which can help them with fraud and risk discovery, sales support, and in several other fields.

The Opten Contact Map engine is provided by Hiflylabs Zrt.

Create your own Contacts Map with the data of your company.

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