Company information services

Company Comparison

Company Comparison

Company Comparison is a special company report where you can compare data from two randomly selected companies.

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Cég lekérdezés, cégadatbázis
The comparison covers the following main sets of indicators:
  • Basic data
  • Common owners / ultimate owners / persons authorised to sign on behalf of the company
  • Positive information / Negative information / EU tender / Public procurement
  • Summary of changes in company information
  • Summary of address contacts
  • Financial data, indicators, headcount, trends
  • Risk rating, Commercial credit line maximum

The service represents the two businesses in a transparent graphical interface which makes it easy to see which one is stronger/weaker than the other and whether or not they have similar characteristics.

The comparative analysis is ideal for solving the following business problems:
  • Comparing tenderers in procurement processes
  • Comparing your business situation with that of your competitors
  • Making strategy and setting goals
  • Identifying hidden company relationships by discovering joint ultimate owners

The sample report for the service: Company comparison sample
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