Opten Kft. is the market leader company information service provider in Hungary
Information in relation to the term ‘market leader’:
- The basis of the comparison is the annual net sales turnover published in the latest report of the company information service provider companies available at https://e-beszamolo.im.gov.hu/ website
- The company information service means public company information data sets published officially in Hungary, as well as services with a predominance of company information.
- The market segment defined as the basis of the comparison consists of companies which provide company information and meet each of the following criterion
- Based on officially published data, they have their own company information database containing their own business logic elements, built and operated by them, as well as their self-developed company information services which are not available from other service providers.
- They have a significant/determinant part of the services and data sets available at company information service providers
The annual net sales turnover of companies falling into the defined market segment:
- Opten Kft. (2023): 3 043 696 THUF
- Dun & Bradstreet Hungary Kft. (2023): 2 469 646 THUF
- Céginformáció.hu Kft. (2023): 278 127 THUF
- Ceginfo.hu Kft. (2023): 233 633 THUF
- Credit Control Kft. (2023): 477 247 THUF