Developing a 4-Dimensional Business Information Service
Name of the beneficiary – OPTEN Informatikai Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Title of the project – ‘Developing a 4-Dimensional Business Information Service’
Amount of the contracted project – HUF 436,030,368
Amount of the contracted subsidy – HUF 237,996,697
Level of subsidy (in %) – 54.58 %
Planned project completion date – 31 December 2018
Project identification number – VEKOP-2.1.1-15-2016-00031
Presentation of the content of the project
In addition to developing a flexible data and analytics infrastructure, the project also aims at building up a flexible serving infrastructure so that we will be able to serve the various data or analyses not only for human data processing, but also for the data requirement of the automated image processing with a minimal, negligible amount of time requirement on our side.
The services to be developed:
OPTEN TIMEMACHINE: the flexible query of the status space of the entire OPTEN company information service set (e.g.: the query of the status of contacts network for a company at any previous moment)
OPTEN MAP: the flexible query and analysis of all the OPTEN company information data which can be interpreted in any spatial way is also possible
OPTEN LIVE: Any company data or analytics can be transferred for machine processing through a well-documented, flexible, open application programming interface (API) so the machine processing needs can be served directly and immediately.
Specialization in the business information services market has been an important development in recent years. Businesses need the results of more and more detailed and sophisticated analyses to underpin their business decisions, what is more, the need to obtain information has also changed: there is a growing need to transfer business information for machine processing and implement a service-oriented architecture. However, meeting these market demands cannot be achieved by adapting the already existing technologies: the implementation of the data storage and quasi-real-time retrieval, and the provision of analytical information services based on them, requires the elimination of uncertainties in data storage and the underlying technologies for analytical models. This project aims at overcoming these technological barriers.
Work processes
I. Methodological improvements in data storage and data analysis | 02 June 2016 – 31 May 2017 | 12 months
I.1. Consolidation of the complete data model
By consolidating OPTEN’s currently hectic data storage methods, it is possible to develop a high-performance, well-organized data storage infrastructure based on a large-scale data storage technology base (e.g.: geo-databases, NOSQL storage, in-memory databases).
I.2. Load testing of data storage technologies
In the course of the activity, the possible data storage technologies are subjected to load tests using OPTEN data to assess them, thus enabling the optimal infrastructure for the service to be developed.
I.3. Investigation and analysis of infrastructure load profiles
In the course of the activity the load test data will be analysed and the underlying data storage infrastructure can be developed based on the conclusions drawn from the test.
I.4. Logical design of data storage infrastructure
The logical system design of the underlying data storage infrastructure is developed in the course of the activity.
I.5. Physical design of data storage infrastructure
The physical system design of the underlying data storage infrastructure is developed in the course of the activity.
I.6. Requirement design
The software components required to provide the service will be defined as a result of this activity.
I.7. Development of map displaying methods
The map displaying methods functioning as part of the service will be developed in this work process.
I.8. Development of map analysis methods
The map analysis methods functioning as part of the service will be developed in this work process.
I.9. Development of OPTEN Time machine data storage procedures
In the course of the activity, the data storage and data processing procedures necessary for the provision of OPTEN Time machine will be developed.
I.10. Architecture plan compilation
Plans for the service features to be developed are set out in the system plan.
I.11. Consolidation and revision of architecture plan elements
The activity will revise the architecture plan from the aspect of meeting the original objectives.
II Implementing developments, documenting - Experimental Development | 01 June 2017 – 31 May 2018 | 12 months
II.1. Back-office developments
The administrative functions essential for operating the components required to provide the service will be developed during this work phase.
II.2. Development of map display features
The map displaying features of the service will be developed during this activity.
II.3. Implementation of data storage subsystem components
The data storage system side upgrades required to provide the service will be implemented during this activity.
II.4. Implementing map analysing features
The map analysing features of the service will be developed during this activity.
II.5. Graphic design, development of additional client functions
The user interfaces of the system will be implemented during this activity.
II.6. Development of OPTEN LIVE API
The OPTEN LIVE Application Programming Interface (API) will be developed in this workflow.
II.7. Development of testing methodology, operation of test environment
A detailed procedure for testing the components is compiled in a document defining the detailed course of testing.
II.8. Testing
The components needed to provide the services to be developed will be tested during this phase.
II.9. Continuous analysis of test results, feedback
The analysis of the documents generated as a result of the testing activities and the performance of the necessary control and feedback tasks.
III Other project support activities, services 01 June 2016 – 31 May 2018 | 24 months
III.1. Project Management and Communication Services - HUF 10,800,000
In order to document the project properly and to comply with the rules, we use a project management service as an outsourced service, since we lack in-house capacity for these tasks. The tasks are performed by the selected service provider according to our plans.
Market research, preparation services – HUF 19,200,000
Within the framework of the service, the following activities will be carried out in the course of the basic research required for launching the product produced by Opten Kft. as a result of this project. The basic research is related to similar products on the international and domestic markets, which determine its course in the development. The international environment and the system of competitors are important criteria for entering and successfully operating on a foreign market, accordingly, the preparation of minimum one technological SWOT analysis and the development of a related product and service pyramid are required. The assessment has to be extended over the analysis of existing competitors in the target markets, as well.